Welcome to ELLY
We’re interested in what it means to you to Enjoy Life LocallY

*** Please note the ELLY Project is now completed and is being analysed. If you would like to be kept informed about future projects then feel free to contact us and we will add you to our mailing list ***

Would you like to improve your health and wellbeing by taking part in local activities that support this?

Would you like to feel more connected with your community?   

Would you like to earn up to £50 as well as set and achieve some goals around your health and wellbeing?

What is the purpose of the project?

We’re a team of researchers from NHS Forth Valley, Stirling University, Glasgow Caledonian University and Aberdeen University. We’re interested in what it means to you to Enjoy Life Locally, and helping you, your friends and neighbours in Denny/Westfield feel you’re enjoying life and being part of your community. It maybe you have plans to get out more (post covid), get fitter, get healthier, make new friends, or just get to know more people in the area so it feels more like a community. 

Over the last 6-months, together with local people, we’ve designed the ELLY project, which aims to help you Enjoy Life Locally and improve your health and wellbeing. The project will be starting in your community in September. In this leaflet you’ll find details about the ELLY project and how you can take part.

Who can take part?

If you live in Denny or Westfield and are over 18 years old then you are able to take part! 

What will I be doing?

If you agree to take part, one of our researchers will meet with you to go through the following:

  • Some questions and measurements (e.g. activities you do, your health, height and weight).
  • Goal setting: We’ll ask you about goals you’d like to set. We want you to have the chance to achieve something that matters to you.
  • “What’s on in [Denny/Westfield]?”: You will be given an activity sheet for your area and an ELLY loyalty card. If you attend one of these activities you will get a stamp on your card. At the end of the 12 weeks if you have 10 stamps on your card, we’ll give you a £25 LoveToShop card. (You may attend as many activities as you like but only need to get one stamp per week.)
  • FREE Soup cafes: Each week you’re invited to two soup cafes running in your area. You can choose if you’d like to eat in the café with others, collect your soup, or possibly get your soup delivered.
  • Other/online information: We’ll give you details of activities and organisations that might also be useful to you in supporting your health and wellbeing.
  • Questions and Measurements 12 weeks later: We’ll ask you some questions about your activities, health, measure your weight (it doesn’t matter to us whether it has changed or not) and ask how you got on with your goals and thoughts on being involved in the ELLY project. If you are happy, we would like to record the conversation to save us having to write notes, making sure that any details that can identify you are removed. As a thank you for your time, willingness to chat to us and be weighed, we’ll put £25 on a LoveToShop card. If you agree, we’ll also chat again a month or so after the ELLY project has finished to see how you’re getting on.


Frequently asked questions / Questions and answers

That’s no problem at all, thank you for taking a look. 

Unfortunately not but many of the activities we’ve identified are open to everyone. Find out more about what’s available in your area here – Denny or Westfield.

Nope! Everything we are doing has already been funded.

The only potential costs are if you choose to attend one of the activities that cost money. But there are plenty free activities on the list too!

If you’d like to get in touch, you can email Scott at Elly@GCU.ac.uk or call 07917827918.